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The Alert component informs users of change in the underlying system; user interaction or a change in application state can surface the component.

Alert has three variations ensure it covers multiple interaction patterns: success, warning, and error.


Import the Alert component into a React component in your project:

import {Alert} from 'hello-next-js'

Use Alert by passing children:

import React from 'react'
import {Alert} from 'hello-next-js'
export const MyComponent: React.FC<any> = () => {
return (
This is a cautionary alert.


Alert comes with three variations, which are set via the variant property.


Use to signify a positive or successful interaction.


Use to indicate bring awareness of a non-critical, potentially negative information. This is the default Alert.


Use to convey a negative or errorful interaction or state.


Pass an onClose property to the Alert to display a close button:

The Alert component has a focusButton method that will call HTMLElement.focus() on the button.


The Alert component has a role="alert" property, which covers the WCAG requirement.

#Component API


onClose(event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>) => void The Alert's close function. Passing this function will cause the Alert to render a close 'x' button.
variantAlertVariant 'warning'The Alert's appearance variation.


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